HTML5 Geolocation wrapper
provides HTML5 Geolocation capabilities as a Vue component. The Geolocation API is used to locate a user's position. You can place it to the default slot of ol-map
style="height: 400px"
<ol-source-osm />
<ol-geolocation :projection="projection" @change:position="geoLocChange">
<ol-vector-layer :zIndex="2">
<ol-feature ref="positionFeature">
<ol-geom-point :coordinates="position"></ol-geom-point>
<ol-style-icon :src="hereIcon" :scale="0.1"></ol-style-icon>
<script setup lang="ts">
import hereIcon from "@/assets/here.png";
import { ref } from "vue";
import type { View } from "ol";
import type { ObjectEvent } from "ol/Object";
const center = ref([40, 40]);
const projection = ref("EPSG:4326");
const zoom = ref(12);
const rotation = ref(0);
const view = ref<View>();
const map = ref(null);
const position = ref([]);
const geoLocChange = (event: ObjectEvent) => {
console.log("AAAAA", event);
position.value = event.target.getPosition();
Props from OpenLayers
Properties are passed-trough from OpenLayers directly. Their types and default values can be checked-out in the official OpenLayers docs. Only some properties deviate caused by reserved keywords from Vue / HTML. This deviating props are described in the section below.
Deviating Properties
You have access to all Events from the underlying OpenLayers Geolocation API. Check out the official OpenLayers docs to see the available events tht will be fired.
<ol-geolocation :projection="projection" @change:position="geoLocChange" />
You have access to all Methods from the underlying OpenLayers Geolocation API. Check out the official OpenLayers docs to see the available methods.
To access the source, you can use a ref()
as shown below:
<!-- ... -->
<ol-geolocation :projection="projection" ref="geoLocRef" />
<!-- ... -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import type Geolocation from "ol/Geolocation";
const geoLocRef = ref<{ geoLoc: Geolocation }>(null);
onMounted(() => {
const geoLocation: Geolocation = geoLocRef.value?.geoLoc;
// call your method on `geoLocation`